
Our charity....tlc for kids

We poudly announce our support of this delightful charity...

tlc for kids.....a cause to smile about (excerpt from tlc for kids website)

The Rapid TLC program is an urgent referral service for Health Care Professionals wishing to provide additional support for children and their families spending time in hospital as a result of any health related condition.

We are the only children’s charity in Australia providing the TLC Distraction Box program, which provides distraction for children and young people during examinations or medical procedures in emergency departments or treatment rooms.

These Distraction Boxes are filled with toys, chosen by health care experts for their therapeutic qualities, which are then used to distract children undergoing medical procedures such as, injections, plastering breaks and spinal fusions. The use of the toys is medically proven to reduce the need for pain relievers and sedatives while also reducing stress for the child, their parent and the healthcare professional administering the procedure.

We also offer TLC courtesy packs and Christmas gifts and parties in hospital.